16. December 2019
BronxBerlinConnection the dance video from hmmm Brooklyn ;)
30. November 2019
Once again it is time for me to leave NYC. Once again it has been an intense time…being able to bring yet another delegation of young people to this city to learn about the origins of Hip Hop and so much more has been an absolut privilege because through their eyes i am always able to learn new things, see things from a different, new perspective. This year has been no different…and after having the last three days to myself in order to decompress i find myself in a torn, ambivalent state...
28. November 2019
It`s been 10 days, it has felt like 10 minutes...
22. November 2019
Warum wurde Malcolm X ermordet und wer hat es getan? Wie würde die Kriminalitätsrate in Brooklyn ohne Waffen auf der Straße aussehen? Was würde auf den Straßen Berlins passieren, wenn Waffen so präsent wären, wie sie es in New York sind? Warum reden wir über Vielfalt, wenn es sich anfühlt, als ob die Stadt New York so getrennt ist....es war ein Tag des Lernens und Nachdenkens, es war lang und es war tief....danke an unsere Freunde und original Black Panthers Brother Shep und Brother...
21. November 2019
Day two and three, super busy but oh so good...
19. November 2019
Day one up NYC...
13. November 2019
A professional staff exchange Chicago/Detroit
23. October 2019
The next Berlin youth delegation is about to go to NYC
26. September 2019
"You are all part of the prison reform movement, simply by being here and by bringing visibility to the issue..." that is how we were greeted by the awesome Elizabeth Clark of the Juvenile Justice Initiative of Illinois, our time in Chicago and Detroit was well spend and as most participants of our exchange will need time to break down all of the things we have seen and heard we are also busy making plans because even though certain issues are quite particular to each city involved many other...
16. September 2019
Gangway crew arrives in Chicago